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Ye holy angels bright
Ye lands, to the Lord make a jubilant noise - Guds Menighed, syng
Ye parents, hear what Jesus taught - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend
Ye servants of God, your master proclaim - Lyons
Ye sons and daughters of the King - Gelobt sei Gott (with Alleluias)
Ye sons and daughters of the King - O filii et filiae
Ye sons of men, oh, hearken - Aus meines Herzens Grunde
Ye watchers and ye holy ones - Laßt uns erfreuen
Yea, as I live, Jehovah saith - St. Luke
Yes God Is Real
Yes He Did - Yes He Did
Yes indeed
Yes my Lord
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Yield not to temptation
You Are the Seed
You are the way: through you alone - Dundee
You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore
You have longed for sweet peace and for faith to increase
You Have Put On Christ
You may have the
You need the Saviour
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
You servants of God, your master proclaim - Lyons
You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord
You, Lord, are both lamb and shepherd.,
You'll Never Walk Alone - You'll Never Walk Alone
You're my soul and inspiration
You've got to move
Your hand, O Lord, in days of old - Old 107th
Your hands, O Christ
Your heart, O God, is grieved, we know - Známe to, pane boze nás
Your kingdom come, O Father - Noormarkku
Your kingdom come, O Father, hear our prayer - Old 124th
Your light is needed
Your little ones dear Lord are we - Her kommer dine arme smaa
Your Word, O Lord, is gentle dew - Af Himlens
You're My Goal
You're Pretty Lucky, Mr. Churchman

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